Polypropyl Ene Anti-Corrosive Mixer

Product Description

This PP, PVC plastic mixer is mainly used in chemical, medicine, petroleum, and other industrial lines. It is specially for the strong causticity product. Such as the strong acid and alkaliand the water for hair care product.


Volume (L) Diameter L L1 a b Mixing Power (KW) Mixing Speed (R/min)
400 800 1050 650 350 50 1.5 0-63
800 800 1340 800 380 50 2.2 0-63
1000 1000 1550 1000 400 50 3 0-63
2000 1200 2000 1500 450 50 3 0-63
3000 1650 2300 1800 450 63 4 0-63
5000 1800 2500 2000 450 63 4 0-63